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  • Undergraduate:BA-Middlebury College
  • Medical School:MPH-London School of Medicine & Hygiene
  • Medical University:MD-University of Vermont
  • Residency Training:New York Medical College
  • Entry to Practice:NEP Since 2014
  • Board Certification:Pediatrics DABP, FAAP
“There are three ways to get
something done: do it yourself, hire someone or forbid your kids to do it.”
-Monta Crane


Dr. Elizabeth Cipolla

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a pediatrician, although my various interests have tested (and confirmed) this desire through the years.

At Middlebury College I took full advantage of a liberal arts education. I graduated with high honors with a BA in Geography and French, while also taking pre-medical science courses. I played on the varsity squash team and also enjoyed hiking the Vermont mountains on weekends. After graduation I went on to receive a Master's of Public Health in London and spent five years in research of widely diverse topics including infectious disease, patient safety, and breastfeeding. As much as I love the science of research, I knew I would love working with children individually even more.

I went back to medical school after my years in public health research with a desire to be a general pediatrician. I studied medicine at the University of Vermont and again loved working with children and their families. I jumped at opportunities for medical outreach with kids of all ages, and I particularly enjoyed teaching health and nutrition at a local elementary school. My residency training was completed at the Maria Fareri Children's Hospital with the New York Medical College. I have developed particular interests in childhood development, nutrition, and adolescent medicine.

I reside in Old Greenwich with my husband and our children. On weekends you'll find us walking Todd's Point, paddle boarding on the Sound, or ferrying children to activities.

I am thrilled to join New England Pediatrics. I look forward to developing long-standing relationships with you and your children for many years to come!
  • Undergraduate:BA-Middlebury College
  • Medical School:MPH-London School of Medicine & Hygiene
  • Medical University:MD-University of Vermont
  • Residency Training:New York Medical College
  • Entry to Practice:NEP Since 2014
  • Board Certification:Pediatrics DABP, FAAP
“There are three ways to get
something done: do it yourself, hire someone or forbid your kids to do it.”
-Monta Crane
“... praise New England Pediatrics for your astute and thorough care of our son... we thank you and praise you for your swift diagnosis.”